Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 8

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At the Basecamp

Upon arriving at the basecamp in a foggy forest, the game will say it is the start of "Groudon's Heart". Chatot will say you are late, but quickly calms and tells you to come into camp. You think the place is familiar, but Chatot makes you move along before you can dwell on it. The guild and Team Skull gather together to listen to Chatot, but Chimecho recounts a legend about Uxie who is said to live at Fogbound Lake. Uxie is said to wipe memories clean if it meets your eyes to protect the existence of the lake, and you wonder if that's what happened to you. Chatot calls this folklore and tells you all to head out and explore, warning you of the low visibility beyond this point because of the deep fog. You wonder one more time if this place is related to your memory loss before heading further in.

Your partner runs ahead and find a shining red gem laying on the ground and beckons you forward. They say the stone is warm and remarks it might be rare so they take it with them.

Inside the Forest

Forest Path

Forest path is another 5 floor looping path meant for leveling. Be mindful of Swinub's Powder Snow, especially when Dunsparce can paralyze you with Glare or put to sleep with Yawn.

Pokémon encountered

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Pinsir (Pokémon) Pinsir 1-5 14 Unrecruitable
Dunsparce (Pokémon) Dunsparce 1-5 14 Unrecruitable
Swinub (Pokémon) Swinub 1-5 14 Unrecruitable
Houndour (Pokémon) Houndour 1-5 14 Unrecruitable
Linoone (Pokémon) Linoone 1-5 15 Unrecruitable
Kricketot (Pokémon) Kricketot 1-5 12 Unrecruitable


Item Floors
MDBag Geo Pebble TDS Sprite.png 5 Geo Pebble 1-5F
MDBag Apple TDS Sprite.png Apple 1-5F
MDBag Cheri Berry TDS Sprite.png Cheri Berry 1-5F
MDBag Oran Berry TDS Sprite.png Oran Berry 1-5F
MDBag Pecha Berry TDS Sprite.png Pecha Berry 1-5F
MDBag Rawst Berry TDS Sprite.png Rawst Berry 1-5F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Blast Seed 1-5F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png X-Eye Seed 1-5F
MDBag Drink TDS Sprite.png Max Elixir 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png All-Hit Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Blowback Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Decoy Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Drought Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Escape Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Foe-Fear Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Foe-Seal Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Hurl Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Luminous Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Petrify Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Rollcall Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Slumber Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Spurn Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Switcher Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Totter Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Transfer Orb 1-5F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Warp Orb 1-5F

Foggy Forest

Foggy Forest is 11 floors, the first dungeon to feature weather, and the main type appears to be Normal. The fog here weakens the power of Electric type moves so don't be surprised if they don't do much damage. If you've got a Riolu with you, or are a Riolu, then you're at an advantage and a disadvantage, as the Normal types cover for weaknesses by putting Flying types in front of you. Bidoof is no longer exploring with your team.

Be mindful that many Pokémon might have status-inducing moves: Hoothoot, Noctowl, Dunsparce, Skiploom, Stantler or Breloom. Pachirisu might carry Charm, which will massively reduce physical Attack. The biggest possible threat is Buneary; if it uses Frustration it will deal massive damage for this point of the game. Additionally, Stantler and Zigzagoon, and Pachirisu and Buneary might have Sand-Attack and Endure respectively.

Pokémon encountered

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Hoothoot (Pokémon) Hoothoot 1-5 13 6.4%
Dunsparce (Pokémon) Dunsparce 1-5 14 6.4%
Smeargle (Pokémon) Smeargle 1-5 14 6.8%
Cherubi (Pokémon) Cherubi 1-5 14 8.2%
Skiploom (Pokémon) Skiploom 1-11 13-15 0.5%
Zigzagoon (Pokémon) Zigzagoon 1-11 14-16 8.2%
Pachirisu (Pokémon) Pachirisu 1-11 14-16 8.2%
Noctowl (Pokémon) Noctowl 6-11 14-15 -10%
Stantler (Pokémon) Stantler 6-11 14-15 6.4%
Buneary (Pokémon) Buneary 6-11 15-16 8.2%
Pinsir (Pokémon) Pinsir 7-11 15-16 8.2%
Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom 7-11 15-16 0.5%

Complete this level and you will be taken deeper into the forest, where there is yet more fog.


Item Floors
MDBag Poké TDS Sprite.png 2-100 Poké 1-11F
MDBag Scarf TDS Sprite.png Power Band 1-11F
MDBag Scarf TDS Sprite.png Special Band 1-11F
MDBag Scarf TDS Sprite.png Twist Band 1-11F
MDBag Stick RTRB TDS Sprite.png 4-5 Stick 1-11F
MDBag Apple TDS Sprite.png Apple 1-11F
MDBag Blue Gummi TDS Sprite.png Blue Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Brown Gummi TDS Sprite.png Brown Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Grass Gummi TDS Sprite.png Grass Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Green Gummi TDS Sprite.png Green Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Orange Gummi TDS Sprite.png Orange Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Silver Gummi TDS Sprite.png Silver Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Sky Gummi TDS Sprite.png Sky Gummi 1-11F
MDBag White Gummi TDS Sprite.png White Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Black Gummi TDS Sprite.png Black Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Clear Gummi TDS Sprite.png Clear Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Gold Gummi TDS Sprite.png Gold Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Gray Gummi TDS Sprite.png Gray Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Pink Gummi TDS Sprite.png Pink Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Purple Gummi TDS Sprite.png Purple Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Red Gummi TDS Sprite.png Red Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Royal Gummi TDS Sprite.png Royal Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Yellow Gummi TDS Sprite.png Yellow Gummi 1-11F
MDBag Cheri Berry TDS Sprite.png Cheri Berry 1-11F
MDBag Oran Berry TDS Sprite.png Oran Berry 1-11F
MDBag Pecha Berry TDS Sprite.png Pecha Berry 1-11F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Blast Seed 1-11F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Heal Seed 1-11F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Reviver Seed 1-11F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Sleep Seed 1-11F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Stun Seed 1-11F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png Warp Seed 1-11F
MDBag Seed TDS Sprite.png X-Eye Seed 1-11F
MDBag Drink TDS Sprite.png Max Elixir 1-11F
MDBag Drink TDS Sprite.png Mix Elixir 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Aerial Ace 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Attract 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Brick Break 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Brine 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Bullet Seed 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Calm Mind 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Dig 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Dive 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Dragon Claw 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Embargo 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Energy Ball 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Explosion 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png False Swipe 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Flash 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Focus Blast 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Focus Punch 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Giga Drain 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Giga Impact 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Hidden Power 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Hyper Beam 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Iron Tail 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Light Screen 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Natural Gift 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Payback 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Poison Jab 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Protect 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Recycle 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Reflect 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Rest 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Roar 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Rock Slide 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Roost 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Safeguard 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Shadow Claw 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Shock Wave 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png SolarBeam 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Stealth Rock 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Steel Wing 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Swords Dance 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Taunt 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Thunder Wave 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Thunderbolt 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Torment 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Vacuum-Cut 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Water Pulse 1-11F
MDBag TM TDS Sprite.png Wide Slash 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png All-Hit Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Blowback Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Decoy Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Drought Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Escape Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Foe-Fear Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Foe-Seal Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Hurl Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Luminous Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Petrify Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Radar Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Rollcall Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Scanner Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Slumber Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Spurn Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Switcher Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Totter Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Transfer Orb 1-11F
MDBag Wonder Orb TDS Sprite.png Warp Orb 1-11F

The Groudon Statue

You enter a place where there is water pouring down all around you. Corphish is there near an odd statue and says the statue says something in footprint runes, so your partner steps forward to read it. "Reignite the life that burned within Groudon... Then the sky shall blaze with the Sun's heat... The path to treasure shall be revealed." While Corphish and your partner are pondering what this means, you partner tells you to touch the statue.

This time, instead of seeing a vision you will hear voices. One says, "Place the Drought Stone in Groudon's Heart. That lifts the fog!"

After a moment of thought you have an idea- maybe the drought stone is the red gem your partner found. Your partner agrees to try and inserts the stone into the statues chest. The statues eyes turn red and it begins to shake before your team and Corphish begin to run away. There's a flash and the fog is gone. Above you is Fogbound Lake! Corphish leaves to let the other guild members know.

As soon as Corphish is gone, Team Skull rushes you and tells you they intend to go steal the treasure. Your partner gets annoyed again and begins to fights back. As they're about to use their gas attack on you again, an Apple rolls, with someone screaming after it. It turns out to be Wigglytuff!

Wigglytuff is happy to see everyone here together. He tells your team to go for the treasure while his friends on Team Skull are told to stay behind with him to wait for their report. Team Skull begins making a new plan to take down Wigglytuff, take his rumored treasure, and follow after you. Skuntank says "No hard feelings... But the great, famous explorer Wigglytuff... Is finished! Chaw-Haw!"

← Chapter 7 The Guild's Big Expedition
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
The Mystery of Fogbound Lake Chapter 9 →
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