Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise Random Constructed Starter Decks (TCG)

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Collective package art
Expansion Flight of Legends
Release date March 19, 2004
Coin PCG1S Green Bulbasaur Coin.png/PCG1S Red Charmander Coin.png/PCG1S Blue Squirtle Coin.png

The Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise Random Constructed Starter Decks (Japanese: ランダム構築スターター フシギバナ★草, リザードン★炎, and カメックス★水 Random Constructed Starter Fushigibana★Grass, Lizardon★Fire, and Kamex★Water) are three Japanese-exclusive Half Deck Starter Decks that complement the Flight of Legends expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.


Collectively, the Half Decks focus on the Kanto first partner Pokémon and their evolutions. Unlike previous Half Decks, which have their own numbering system, these decks all have a collective numbering system. Each deck contains a fixed selection of cards and a random selection of those numbered 005 to 008, 013 to 016, and 021 to 052. Any of these cards, if included, will always be paired by evolutionary line. Other cards that are part of the collection but share the same type as the featured Pokémon are never included in that particular deck, but are available in the other two.

Like many others, these Half Decks each include a rulebook, damage counters, status counters, and a custom coin.


  • The trend of releasing TCG products with random cards is not an uncommon theme in Japan, though is usually reserved for the first expansion in a new Generation or transitional era. Generation III was the only Generation not to feature a Starter Deck in its first expansion, instead these Half Decks being the ones to feature the innovation.
  • The majority of these cards were combined with the main expansion to form the English set.
  • The symbol used on cards in the Half Decks was used on cards in the English expansion.

Deck lists

Venusaur Starter Deck
SetSymbolFireRed and LeafGreen.png
No. Card Type Quantity
001/052 Bulbasaur Grass
002/052 Bulbasaur Grass
003/052 Ivysaur Grass
004/052 Venusaur ex Grass
Any one evolutionary line
013/052 Growlithe Fire
014/052 Arcanine Fire
015/052 Ponyta Fire
016/052 Rapidash Fire
021/052 Shellder Water
022/052 Cloyster Water
023/052 Krabby Water
024/052 Kingler Water
Any one evolutionary line
025/052 Magnemite Lightning
026/052 Magneton Lightning
027/052 Drowzee Psychic
028/052 Hypno Psychic
029/052 Diglett Fighting
030/052 Dugtrio Fighting
Any one evolutionary line
033/052 Rattata Colorless
034/052 Raticate Colorless
041/052 Doduo Colorless
042/052 Dodrio Colorless
Combination of seven Trainer cards
043/052 Energy Switch T
044/052 Energy Removal 2 T
045/052 Potion T
046/052 Super Scoop Up T
047/052 Life Herb T
048/052 Switch T
049/052 Pokémon Reversal T
050/052 Poké Ball T
051/052 Professor Oak's Research T [Su]
052/052 Bill's Maintenance T [Su]
Combination of 11 Energy cards
Grass Energy Grass E
Fire Energy Fire E
Water Energy Water E
Lightning Energy Lightning E
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fighting Energy Fighting E

Charizard Starter Deck
SetSymbolFireRed and LeafGreen.png
No. Card Type Quantity
009/052 Charmander Fire
010/052 Charmander Fire
011/052 Charmeleon Fire
012/052 Charizard ex Fire
Any one evolutionary line
005/052 Paras Grass
006/052 Parasect Grass
007/052 Venonat Grass
008/052 Venomoth Grass
021/052 Shellder Water
022/052 Cloyster Water
023/052 Krabby Water
024/052 Kingler Water
Any one evolutionary line
025/052 Magnemite Lightning
026/052 Magneton Lightning
027/052 Drowzee Psychic
028/052 Hypno Psychic
029/052 Diglett Fighting
030/052 Dugtrio Fighting
Any one evolutionary line
031/052 Pidgey Colorless
032/052 Pidgeotto Colorless
039/052 Meowth Colorless
040/052 Persian Colorless
Combination of seven Trainer cards
043/052 Energy Switch T
044/052 Energy Removal 2 T
045/052 Potion T
046/052 Super Scoop Up T
047/052 Life Herb T
048/052 Switch T
049/052 Pokémon Reversal T
050/052 Poké Ball T
051/052 Professor Oak's Research T [Su]
052/052 Bill's Maintenance T [Su]
Combination of 11 Energy cards
Fire Energy Fire E
Grass Energy Grass E
Water Energy Water E
Lightning Energy Lightning E
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fighting Energy Fighting E

Blastoise Starter Deck
SetSymbolFireRed and LeafGreen.png
No. Card Type Quantity
017/052 Squirtle Water
018/052 Squirtle Water
019/052 Wartortle Water
020/052 Blastoise ex Water
Any one evolutionary line
005/052 Paras Grass
006/052 Parasect Grass
007/052 Venonat Grass
008/052 Venomoth Grass
013/052 Growlithe Fire
014/052 Arcanine Fire
015/052 Ponyta Fire
016/052 Rapidash Fire
Any one evolutionary line
025/052 Magnemite Lightning
026/052 Magneton Lightning
027/052 Drowzee Psychic
028/052 Hypno Psychic
029/052 Diglett Fighting
030/052 Dugtrio Fighting
Any one evolutionary line
035/052 Spearow Colorless
036/052 Fearow Colorless
037/052 Jigglypuff Colorless
038/052 Wigglytuff Colorless
Combination of seven Trainer cards
043/052 Energy Switch T
044/052 Energy Removal 2 T
045/052 Potion T
046/052 Super Scoop Up T
047/052 Life Herb T
048/052 Switch T
049/052 Pokémon Reversal T
050/052 Poké Ball T
051/052 Professor Oak's Research T [Su]
052/052 Bill's Maintenance T [Su]
Combination of 11 Energy cards
Water Energy Water E
Grass Energy Grass E
Fire Energy Fire E
Lightning Energy Lightning E
Psychic Energy Psychic E
Fighting Energy Fighting E

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
EX Series
Nintendo Black Star Promos
EX Ruby & Sapphire: RubySapphireTreecko Illustrated BookletTorchic Illustrated BookletMudkip Illustrated BookletRalts Illustrated Booklet
EX Sandstorm: CaravanOasis
EX Dragon: FireFangWindBlast
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua: Team MagmaTeam Aqua
EX Hidden Legends: Forest GuardianWish Maker
EX Trainer KitPoké Card Creator Pack
EX FireRed & LeafGreen: FireRedLeafGreen
POP Series 1EX Battle Stadium
EX Team Rocket Returns: JessieJames
EX Deoxys: StarchargeJetstream
EX Emerald: HydrobloomWildfire
POP Series 2
EX Unseen Forces: Golden SkySilvery Ocean
EX Delta Species: BreakthroughSteeplechase
EX Legend Maker: GroundbreakerShadowquake
Exploud Illustrated BookletRayquaza Illustrated BookletEX Trainer Kit 2POP Series 3
EX Holon Phantoms: FireMistFloodRush
Ho-Oh Illustrated BookletLugia Illustrated BookletPOP Series 4
EX Crystal Guardians: Green CycloneStorm SurgeEarth Shower
EX Dragon Frontiers: Shadow BlazePower Wave
EX Power Keepers: Dark BlastMind Game
POP Series 5Golem Illustrated BookletOmastar Illustrated BookletMachamp Illustrated BookletGengar Illustrated Booklet
ADV-P Promotional cardsPLAY Promotional cards
Expansion Pack: Treecko Constructed Starter DeckTorchic Constructed Starter DeckMudkip Constructed Starter Deck
Miracle of the Desert
Rulers of the Heavens: Flygon Constructed Starter DeckSalamence Constructed Starter Deck
Movie Commemoration VS PackMagma VS Aqua: Two AmbitionsMagma Deck KitAqua Deck KitGift Box
Undone Seal: Metagross Constructed Starter Deck
PCG-P Promotional cards
Venusaur/Charizard/Blastoise Random Constructed Starter Decks
Flight of Legends
Clash of the Blue Sky: Deoxys Constructed Starter DeckRayquaza Constructed Starter Deck
Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sky-Splitting Deoxys
Rocket Gang Strikes Back: Black Deck KitSilver Deck Kit
Gift Box EmeraldQuick Construction PacksMeganium Constructed Starter DeckTyphlosion Constructed Starter DeckFeraligatr Constructed Starter DeckPokéPark Premium Files
Golden Sky, Silvery Ocean
Mirage Forest: Mirage's Mew Constructed Starter Deck
Master KitMovie Commemoration VS Pack: Aura's LucarioHolon Research Tower Fire Quarter DeckHolon Research Tower Water Quarter DeckHolon Research Tower Lightning Quarter Deck
Holon Research Tower
Gift Box Mew • Lucario
Holon Phantom
Miracle Crystal: Earth's Groudon ex Constructed Starter DeckOcean's Kyogre ex Constructed Starter Deck
Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends: Shockwave! Tyranitar ex Constructed Standard DeckImprison! Gardevoir ex Constructed Standard Deck
Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Sea's Manaphy
World Champions Pack