Volcano (Snap)

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Koffing Smoke

The Volcano is one of the six major areas of Pokémon Island. It is a volcanic area heated by boiling magma. Ten species of Pokémon live within this area.

The Pokémon Sign here is a purple cloud which looks amusingly like Koffing and appears after a Pester Ball is thrown into a crater of magma.

Native Pokémon

A fast-running Pokémon, Rapidash gallop by early in the course.
Just beyond the Rapidash plays a Vulpix. Pokémon food delights the fire fox. Afterwards, two more Vulpix can be found.
Common Pokémon in the volcanic area. One is near the beginning with a Magmar. When stopped by the giant egg, two Charmander can be seen. Toss Pokémon food to them, and each will call two more Charmander, making a pack of six. Play the Poké Flute for them, and all six will dance for you for a great picture!
Early on, a Magmar will attack a nearby Charmander if disturbed. Later one, two Magmar battle one another if lured together.
If the Charmander near the Magmar is attacked by Magmar's fiery attack, it will evolve into Charmeleon. Another Charmeleon is near the end of the course, running around a pool of lava.
When the enormous egg blocking the ZERO-ONE's path is knocked into the lava below, it hatches into the magnificent legendary fire bird. Watches where it flies and be prepared to point your camera straight up, and you can catch a good shot of this Pokémon spreading its wings and scattering embers about.
Near the end of the area, these hide within craters. Tossing Pester Balls into the craters will cause them to hop out. Professor Oak would be impressed by three of this Pokémon in one photo.
Sometimes a disturbed Arcanine hops from the craters near the end of the stage, after tossing Pester Balls into them. Professor Oak would be impressed by three of this Pokémon in one photo.
Knocking Charmeleon into a crater of magma will cause it to evolve into Charizard.
As in other areas, throw an item into a pool of water to cause Magikarp to leap out.

Pokémon Island
BeachTunnelVolcanoRiverCaveValleyRainbow Cloud