User:Cinday123/Generation VII Stuff/Gender List

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Gender ratio

# Name Gender
??? Leafchick 1  : 7
??? Toubloom 1  : 7
??? Flokan 1  : 7
??? Cindunnee 1  : 7
??? Rabburn 1  : 7
??? Flabbit 1  : 7
??? Splaphin 1  : 7
??? Dolperfu 1  : 7
??? Narwhairy 1  : 7
??? Roarwhelp 1  : 1
??? Tigrowl 1  : 1
??? Magtweet 1  : 1
??? Soripie 1  : 1
??? Magskai 1  : 1
??? Stinkgot 1  : 1
??? Flytrash 1  : 1
??? Cockroxic 1  : 1
??? Toxroach 1  : 1
??? Darfume 3  : 1
??? Fragark 3  : 1
??? Ocelution 7  : 1
??? Fistlot 7  : 1
??? Airlot 7  : 1
??? Toxilot 7  : 1
??? Sandlot 7  : 1
??? Stonlot 7  : 1
??? Inselot 7  : 1
??? Spooklot 7  : 1
??? Metalot 7  : 1
??? Bunnashi 1  : 1
??? Hamshock 1  : 1
??? Laspsy 1  : 1
??? Mysticbeam 1  : 1
??? Flarocket 1  : 1
??? Flarework 1  : 1
??? Dancice Female only
??? Dragroar 1  : 3
??? Dragail 1  : 3
??? Draging 1  : 3
??? Kittough 1  : 1
??? Meowfight 1  : 1
??? Snakrime 1  : 1
??? Snaklaw 1  : 1
??? Ponychic 7  : 1
??? Psycorse 7  : 1
??? Mysteecorn 7  : 1
??? Darhino 7  : 1
??? Umbrastone 7  : 1
??? Rhiumbra 7  : 1
??? Fistzard 7  : 1
??? Lizarsise 7  : 1
??? Dragight 7  : 1
??? Drowfish 1  : 1
??? Drownsword 1  : 1
??? Mummispook 1  : 1
??? Sogsiteu Genderless
??? Pattange 1  : 1
??? Cottobird 3  : 1
??? Bircloud 3  : 1
??? Spiceed 1  : 1
??? Chilispice 1  : 1
??? Octorita 3  : 1
??? Octopsy 3  : 1
??? Squink 1  : 3
??? Inkuid 1  : 3
??? Crabclaw 1  : 1
??? Crabgun 1  : 1
??? Tempfume 1  : 1
??? Hotfume 1  : 1
??? Coldfume 1  : 1
??? Bandiunjwi 1  : 7
??? Samagunjwi 1  : 7
??? Xercecater 1  : 7
??? Xercesect 1  : 7

Gender differences

# Name
??? Dolperfu
Males have longer horns and females have shorter horns.
??? Narwhairy
Males have longer horns and female have shorter horns
??? Magskai
Males has a blue star on its forehead and females has a red heart on its forehead.
??? Cockroxic
Females has shorter antennas.
??? Toxroach
Females has shorter antennas.
??? Fragark
Males are mostly black with a pink belly and females are mostly pink with a black belly.
??? Bunnashi
Males has blue diamond cheeks and females has purple triangle cheeks.
??? Hamshock
Males has red cross cheeks and females has pink heart cheeks.
??? Draging
Females has shorter whiskers.
??? Snaklaw
Males has a blue stripe on its back and females has a red stripe on its back.
??? Bircloud
Males have grey feathers and females have white feathers.
??? Dodoflame
Males have a flame on its tail and females have a flame on top of its head.
??? Kelebairy
Females has shorter antennas.
??? Venomark
Males are mostly black with purple highlights and females are mostly purple with black highlights.
??? Slund
Females has shorter antennas.
??? Snailee
Females has shorter antennas.
??? Gronail
Females has shorter antennas.
??? Chocdark
Males has brown skin and females has white skin.
??? Chocofear
Males has brown skin with bits of white chocolate and females has white skin with bits of dark chocolate.
??? Fragranee
Males has a strange looking fragrance bottle and females has a perfect looking fragrance bottle.
??? Royabebe
Females has a dress-like body.
??? Beetect
Females has shorter antennas.