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This article is about the movie. For the manga, see Spell of the Unown (manga).

Spell of the Unown
結晶塔の帝王 ENTEI Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei
Japan July 8, 2000
United States April 6, 2001
Home video
Japan July 7, 2001*
United States August 21, 2001
English themes
Opening Pokémon Johto
Ending To Know the Unknown
Japanese themes
Opening OK! 2000
Ending 虹がうまれた日
United States G
Great Britain U
Ireland G
Canada PG
Quebec G
Japan G
Germany 6
Australia PG
New Zealand PG

Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown (Japanese: 結晶塔帝王 ENTEI Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei; officially Lord of the "Unknown" Tower in Japan) is the third Pokémon movie. It debuted in Japanese theaters on July 8, 2000. It then made its way to North American theaters on April 6, 2001.

Spell of the Unown was shown with the Pikachu Short movie Pikachu & Pichu.

Other posters and logos


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Ash, Misty, and Brock are heading to Greenfield. They meet a young woman there that introduces herself as Lisa and her Aipom. The two of them had a sparring battle.

The Trainers and Pokémon eat lunch after the battle. Brock asks if there is a Pokémon Center nearby, and Lisa tells them that there is one in Greenfield. Misty says that she has always wanted to go there and has heard that it is very beautiful. Lisa says that she also has always wanted to go there. Misty explains that she was told that Greenfield has beautiful fields, large mansion, flowers, and that everything is beautiful there. They go to the top of the hill to see Greenfield, but notice that the whole area is covered in crystals!

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is looking at Greenfield's fields of flowers via binoculars, talking about its beautiful fields, quickly notice the crystallization, and wonder what is going on. James says that the crystallization makes Greenfield look very ugly. Wobbuffet pops out of its Poké Ball and Jessie tells it that everything is bad enough without him being out, and she recalls him.

As Ash and his friends arrive in front of Greenfield, the flowers were all being crystallized. The TV news crew talks reports about the strange things happening at Greenfield, wondering if it has anything to do with Professor Hale's disappearance. In Pallet Town, Ash's Mom and Mr. Mime watch the news story, as she goes to the refrigerator and looks at pictures from years ago that show her and Molly's family together. At the Pokémon lab, Professor Oak is watching the news story. Professor Oak realizes that Spencer was one of his top students. Professor Oak says that he sent him an email recently with pictures of the discoveries he made of the Unown in the ruins. Delia goes up to Professor Oak and asks if he has seen the news. He tells her that they are heading toward Greenfield and Deila joins them worring about Spencer Hale and Molly.

At the Pokémon center, the reporter says that reinforcements have arrived to help solve what is going on. Professor Oak and Ash's Mom come out of the car that pulls up, much to everyone's surprise.

Back at the mansion, Molly is watching them on TV and remembers Delia. She asks Entei for a mom as well, and Entei says agree's. Delia explains to Ash that Spencer used to work at the Pokémon lab with Professor Oak, left to become a Pokémon researcher, and came back to visit Pallet Town.

Entei runs across the field, crystallizing the field more as it runs towards them. Pikachu prepares to attack as he senses Entei coming. Entei hypnotizes her into thinking she is Molly's mother and wants to go to her. Delia collapses, Entei grabs her and runs off, creating more crystals and small crystals with its steps. Ash and his friends try to go after Entei, but it's too fast. The TV camera crew films the chase. Pikachu tries to shock Entei, but it does nothing and Pikachu is thrown to the ground. Brock stops Ash from chasing further after Entei since they don't know how dangerous it is. Ash is upset that he couldn't stop Entei from taking his mom.

Back inside the mansion, Entei tells Molly that he has brought her what she wished for. Delia wakes up, surprised that Molly calls her as her mother. Molly asks Entei if they can stay together forever. Entei tells her If that is what her wish what. Entei shows Molly that the crystallization is growing bigger, and Molly thinks it is very beautiful. Outside, The crystallization expands, and grows taller.

Professor Oak explains to everyone that Entei was the Pokémon that took Ash's mom away. Schuyler suggests that it was Unown responsible for creating the Entei, and that Molly is inside of the mansion somewhere.

A bulldozer tries to break down all of the crystals around the mansion, but Molly tells them to go away and the Unown create more crystals to make the bulldozer crash. The TV crew films that as it's happening, as the driver barely escapes being crystallized.

Schuyler tells everyone that all of the strange events could only be explained by Unown being involved in it happening. Professor Oak receives an email from Molly exclaiming that she is together with her mom and dad, and that everyone should go away and stop bothering them. With her mother and father having disappeared, nobody understands how it's possible that she is with them.

Ash decides to head towards the mansion to rescue his mom. Misty gets Ash to stop, and says they will all go together to the mansion. Lisa gives them a Pokégear so that they can keep in contact with the Pokémon Center.

They head to the mansion while walking through a small stream that wasn't crystallized, as Team Rocket looks on with binoculars. They argue with each other over whether Ash and his friends are walking through the water, or wading through the water. They see Entei on top of a crystallized hill and it uses Fire Blast to send them blasting off into a crystal ball, as the hole they created closes behind them. Entei returns to the mansion to tell Molly that he got rid of them and that they won't be bothering them anymore.

The TV news crew reports that a balloon was shot down, and that nothing can get through the crystallizations to reach the mansion, but they spot a Noctowl flying up the waterfall.

Noctowl brings Bulbasaur and Chikorita to the top of the waterfall. They both use Vine Whip so that Ash and his friends could climb up the waterfall. Professor Oak notices Ash climbing up the waterfall, and Lisa explains that he is going after his mother.

Molly sees Ash as well, and wonders why he is trying to get into their house. Delia breaks out of her trance, as she sees Ash climbing up the waterfall and yells for him to get down from there. Molly notices Ash's Pikachu and his other Pokémon, and wonders if he is a Pokémon Trainer and has other Pokémon. Delia is confused as Molly calls her mom, and Entei her dad.

As Ash and his friends approach the entrance to the mansion, the Pokégear rings and Ash answers the call. Professor Oak asks Ash what he thinks he is doing and that he saw him on TV. Ash says that he should have talked to him first, and the Professor responds by saying that they will discuss it later.

Schuyler tells Ash that they have figured out what is causing everything that is happening. He explains that the Unown have the ability to read living creatures' thoughts, including people and create an alternate reality. He thinks they have tapped into Molly's dreams, and created the Crystallization of the mansion based on her wishes for it to happen. Ash brings out Cyndaquil and Brock brings out Vulpix. They both use Flamethrower to create a hole in the crystallized door, but the whole repairs itself. They use Flamethrower again, and then Misty brings out her Staryu and Ash brings out his Totodile to use Water Gun. Pikachu, Misty, and Brock enter the hole through the Pokémon's Water Gun. Ash enters by grabbing the Pokémon and jumping through the hole before it closes.

Ash and his friends head towards the mansion, as the crystallized stairs switch to normal ones. Misty thinks the Unown changed the reality. They continue up the stairs, and find themselves in a grassy field created by Molly's dreams through the Unown. Team Rocket breaks through the crystallized barrier, and find themselves looking at the group of Unown floating in the air. They think that they'll be able to sneak by without being noticed.

Entei asks Molly if she wants them sent away, but Molly shakes her head and says that she wants to have a Pokémon battle with them, but doesn't think she is old enough. Entei says she can if that is what she wishes. Molly falls asleep as she wishes to have a Pokémon battle with them. Entei walks through the floor which surprises Delia, and heads towards Ash and his friends with Molly on his back. Molly doesn't think she is old enough to be a Pokémon Trainer, but Entei tells her that all she has to do is believe that she is. Molly becomes an adult as they head towards them. Molly asks if they are Pokémon Trainers, as Ash demands to know where his mom is. Molly says that Ash is no fun at all.

Misty comments that she can't be Molly because she is too old. Brock reminds her that the world they are in was dreamed up by Molly and created by the Unown. Ash says that he will battle her, but Brock tells him that he must continue up the stairs to find his mother while Brock battles her instead. Entei runs across the field to create a battle field, as Misty and Ash continue running up the stairs while watching what happens on the battlefield.

They decide that it will be a 3-on-3 battle. Brock brings out Zubat, and Molly brings out Flaaffy. Zubat uses Supersonic to confuse Flaaffy. Flaaffy uses Headbutt on Zubat, while Zubat uses Wing Attack but Flaaffy evades the attack. Flaaffy uses ThunderShock to knock Zubat out. Brock brings out Vulpix, while Molly brings out Teddiursa. Teddiursa uses DynamicPunch, while Vulpix is able to dodge. Vulpix uses Quick Attack and Teddiursa uses Fury Swipes at each other, as Teddiursa eventually throws Vulpix to the ground.

Team Rocket runs up the stairs to keep following Ash and Misty. Vulpix and Teddiursa tackle each other, and Vulpix collapses. Brock says that if he wants to win, then he's going to have to really rock and roll. Brock brings out Onix, and Molly brings out Phanpy. Phanpy uses Rollout which knocks out Onix in one hit.

Ash and Misty continue up the stairwell to the mansion. Delia looks through Molly's storybook, and asks her if she has seen it. Molly explains that her father reads it to her every night. Delia looks at the photographs, and asks her if she gets very lonely. Molly says sometimes, but now that she has a mom and dad, she doesn't feel lonely any more. Delia sees a picture of the sun over some flowers, as the next scene shows Ash and Misty in a dream version of that picture, surrounded by the ocean.

Molly appears in front of Ash and Misty, and asks who will be battling her next. Ash volunteers to battle Molly, but Misty tells him that he must continue on and let her battle Molly. Molly imagines and becomes a young version of herself again. Misty tells Ash that the real Molly must still be at the top of the mansion, and that he should continue on. Misty says that she will only use Water-type Pokémon since she is a Water-Type Pokémon Trainer, and Molly will do the same. A giant wave crashes on to everyone, and they realize that they can breathe underwater since Molly dreamed for that to be possible. Ash continues up the Stairwell.

Molly brings out Kingdra, and Misty brings out Goldeen. Kingdra uses SmokeScreen which surrounds Goldeen, and follows up with Headbutt which Goldeen dodges. Goldeen tries to use Fury Attack, but Kingdra dodges and knocks it out with Headbutt.

James asks Jessie how they are able to breathe underwater, and she says just to keep running and not ask stupid questions. Team Rocket asks if they think that they will be in the next movie.

Molly brings out Mantine, and Misty brings out Staryu. Mantine uses Tackle as Staryu dodges the attack. Mantine uses Whirlpool to trap Staryu inside. Mantine uses Bubble, and Staryu uses Rapid Spin to escape the Whirlpool. Mantine uses Take Down and Staryu uses Tackle, as they continue to hit each other back and forth. The ending to the battle, and winner were not shown. Ash continues up the stairs and reaches the top.

Ash says that he got it from her. He asks if she has seen the Unown, as Delia says that Entei left a long time ago. Ash explains that it was Entei who brought her there, and that it was the Unown who created the world from Molly's imagination. Ash tells her that they should get out of there now. Delia wakes Molly up and explains to her that she is not her real mother, and that she is really Ash's mom. They tell her that they have to get out of the mansion now, but Molly cries out loud and refuses to go with them.

The Unown create a red colored light, and then large pillars appear in Molly's room, separating Molly, Delia, and Ash from each other!

Ash tries to go with his mom, but Entei shows up and Molly tells it that Ash is trying to take her mother away from her. Entei makes a pillar barrier separate Ash and Delia.

Entei tells Ash to leave the mansion. If he doesn't leave, that he will be made to leave. Ash brings out Totodile, as Entei asks if he can defeat him. Ash says that he won't lose to an illusion. Totodile uses Water Gun, as Entei dodges and attacks with Flamethrower. Totodile is knocked out, as Ash brings out Cyndaquil next. Cyndaquil uses Flamethrower, as Entei also uses Flamethrower which knocks out Cyndaquil.

Ash admits that Entei is strong, but says that he refuses to lose to some illusion created by the imagination of a little girl. Entei yells that he is no illusion, Roars, and stomps the ground as a blizzard blows inside of the mansion. The crystallized pillars grow larger, the red light by the Unown grows bigger, and the pages of the storybook start flipping pages. Entei says that it is Molly's father and that it must protect her.

Entei charges as Pikachu uses Thunderbolt which has no effect on Entei. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and Entei uses Flamethrower, as they keep attacking each other back and forth and dodging. Delia realizes that only she can stop everything by remembering her real mother and father.

Team Rocket comes up through the hole as they notice that it's very cold in the room. Two attacks cause an explosion, forcing them to have to duck out of the way.

Pikachu gets exhausted and Entei uses Fire Blast at Pikachu. Ash jumps in to protect Pikachu, but Entei's attack sends them through the wall and they fall. But they're saved by Charizard, who saw him on the news about disaster! They go back into the room. Ash explains that they work together, like a family. Entei says that he will destroy that family of his. Entei and Charizard clash into each other, as Charizard runs into Ash, which sends him almost off the edge, but his friends and Team Rocket grab him before he could fall out of the hole. Ash says to Molly that if she comes with them, that she would be able to have her own Pokémon, but she says that she already has real Pokémon of her own.

Ash says that it cannot take the place of her real father, but Entei says it is her real father. Entei and Charizard continue battling each other, using Flamethrower back and forth. At one point the Flamethrower attacks create in explosion, scaring Molly and sending Charizard backwards. Entei uses Fire Blast, which Charizard dodges and they continue to use Flamethrower at each other. Entei uses Fire Blast to break a hole in the wall, and jumps outside. Charizard and Ash follow, as they keep attacking with Flamethrower. Entei jumps down. Pillars appear and help Entei not fall down, as Charizard continues to use Flamethrower.

Entei uses Fire Blast, but Charizard dodges and they both use Flamethrower at each other again. Charizard continues to use Flamethrower and eventually hits, sending Entei to another pillar. Entei fires some more Flamethrowers. Ash says to it that it isn't right for Entei to keep her there, and Entei responds that it must do as she wishes. Entei uses Fire Blast, and Charizard uses Flamethrower which creates an explosion scaring everyone. Ash and Charizard must get Molly out of the mansion. More pillars appear, while Entei climbs down them and knocks Charizard down. Entei uses Fire Blast, while Charizard dodges and uses Flamethrower. Charizard tries to navigate the pillars but gets hit by one and falls on it. Entei uses Fire Blast once more, hitting Charizard and send him crashing through the ceiling and back on to the floor of the room. Entei grabs Charizard's neck and prepares to use Fire Blast to finish it off, but Molly steps in and asks Entei to stop fighting.

Brock and Misty explain that she is a great Pokémon Trainer, and that it is important to know when to stop a battle. With her instincts, she could become a Gym Leader some day. Ash says to her that now matter how hard the battles are, they always stay friends. Even though the battles are tough, the friends are real. He asks her to come with them, and Delia says it is what her father would want. With this, Molly decided that she wants everything to be real again. The crystallized pillars start disappearing, the Pokémon she battled with disappear. Entei explains that he was an illusion created by the Unown. Since Molly wants things to be real again, it must go.

Unfortunatley, the Unown begins to lose out of control! Pillars start forming around everyone, which almost trap them inside of the room! Entei leads them to the pathway so that they can exit through the hole that they came in through. As the pillars keep forming all over the place, everyone runs down the stairs and into the area where the Unown are. Back at the Pokémon Center, everyone realizes that the crystallization is headed their way, and they exit the Pokémon Center before they become trapped.

Ash tries to reach the Unown, but is bounced back by a protective barrier. Charizard tries to break through but has no luck either as the barrier sends him backwards to the ground. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt but cannot break through. Pikachu tries to use Thunderbolt again, and Charizard tries Flamethrower again but the barrier again bounces them backwards to the ground. These causes the Unown goes lose out of control much. Entei breakS into the room. Entei uses Flamethrower to break a pathway so it can get through to where the Unown are at.

Entei says to Molly that it was happy being her father, and that the last thing it could do for her is to take her out of the mansion. Entei tells her that it was created from her dreams, and that if she fully believed in Entei, that there is nothing it cannot do. Entei tries to break the barrier, but it bounces Entei backwards. It uses Flamethrower to try to break through, but that also fails. Entei again tries to run and break through the barrier, asking Molly to help. Entei says to Molly to believe in it if that is what she wishes. Molly yells "You can do it Entei!". Pikachu and Charizard help him out.

Entei uses Flamethrower to finally break through the barrier and break the ball of light which was in the middle of where the Unown were. The light expands, shining brightly on everyone as Entei shines in a green aura Entei must go and says the same thing back to her, and that she must keep Entei in her dreams. Entei crystallizes and disappears. The letter tiles fall to the ground and glow blue, as the Unown disappear into the portal. All of the crystallizations revert back to the way Greenfield looked prior to everything that has happened.

The Unown return to the ruins where they were discovered, and enter the portal to their own dimension, and freeing Professor Hale from the dimension back into the ruins where he disappeared. Everyone heads outside of the mansion and checks out the view of Greenfield. They find how beautiful is. Police cars, everyone that was at the Pokémon Center approach the house. Molly looks up into the sky and sees a cloud shaped like Entei, and quietly thanks him for everything.

Team Rocket notices all of the Police cars, decide they cannot exit the mansion just yet, but Jessie is happy for the little girl, saying that she is adorable and indomitable just like her, James says that Entei is a powerful and inscrutable like him, and Meowth finds himself lovable. They don't care that they didn't capture a single Pokémon, but they will have a chance next time to fail.

As the credits roll, Professor Hale returns to the madison. Charizard and Lisa departs. Molly recivies an, Teddiursa, playing by a big pond. Teddiursa jumps across a couple of rocks, falls in the water, and splashes Molly as they both laugh. Molly sees her mother returns and happliy reunited.

Major events






Ash Veronica Taylor Satoshi Rica Matsumoto サトシ 松本梨香
Pikachu Ikue Ohtani Pikachu Ikue Ohtani ピカチュウ 大谷育江
Brock Eric Stuart Takeshi Yūji Ueda タケシ うえだ ゆうじ
Misty Rachael Lillis Kasumi Mayumi Iizuka カスミ 飯塚雅弓
Jessie Rachael Lillis Musashi Megumi Hayashibara ムサシ 林原めぐみ
James Eric Stuart Kojirō Shin'ichirō Miki コジロウ 三木眞一郎
Meowth Addie Blaustein Nyarth Inuko Inuyama ニャース 犬山イヌコ
Entei Dan Green Entei Naoto Takenaka エンテイ 竹中直人
Molly Hale Amy Birnbaum Me Snowdon Akiko Yajima ミー・スノードン 矢島晶子
Spencer Hale Dan Green Sully Snowdon Naoto Takenaka シュリー・スノードン博士 竹中直人
Lisa Lisa Ortiz Rin Ai Katō リン 加藤あい
Schuyler Ed Paul John Hirohide Yakumaru ジョン 薬丸裕英
Delia Veronica Taylor Hanako Masami Toyoshima ハナコ 豊島まさみ
Professor Oak Stan Hart Dr. Okido Unshō Ishizuka オーキド博士 石塚運昇
Tracey Ed Paul Kenji Tomokazu Seki ケンジ 関智一
David David Kōichi Yamadera デイビット 山寺宏一
Narration Ken Gates Narration Unshō Ishizuka ナレーション 石塚運昇


Unknown Unown
  • Some of the Unown that appear on Professor Oak's computer are, as of yet, unreleased. However, since they are just drawings, it is possible that they do not really exist in the Pokémon world.
  • This is the only original series movie not to feature a Psychic-type legendary Pokémon as the main Pokémon. However, in the movie, Unown are explicitly referred to as legendary Pokémon.
    • Also, since the Entei seen in this movie wasn't a real Pokémon but merely an illusion, this is so far the only movie not to feature an actual legendary Pokémon (acknowledging the fact that in the games, Unown aren't considered as legendaries).
  • Professor Oak's computer's task-bar area features Energy symbols from the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
  • During the final scene, James holds a rose for the first time in several seasons.
  • In the UK airings of this movie, the line of dialogue where Molly tells her Flaaffy to use Headbutt is removed (however the shot of Flaaffy using the attack is left intact).
  • This movie marks the first time when Brock's Zubat uses Wing Attack and when Misty's Staryu uses Rapid Spin.


The report from Professor Hale
  • Professor Hale's report on the Unown contains numerous mistakes. Not only is the species spelled as "Unknown", but many obvious spelling and grammar mistakes are made. It seems to be a rough translation of Japanese. It was also written in English in the original Japanese version.
  • Unown are in Molly's book of legendary Pokémon, though they are not explicitly legendary in the games.
  • In the DVD commentary, Michael Haigney incorrectly states that Entei can talk due to it being a Fire/Psychic Pokémon. Entei is actually a pure Fire-type Pokémon, while its ability to talk was due to the Psychic-type Unown.
  • In the Brazilian Portuguese dub, Misty states that she was the Vermilion Gym Leader, instead of Cerulean Gym Leader.

Dub edits

  • Originally, the scene where Spencer Hale returns from the Unown world was part of the end credits. For the dub, this scene was moved after Greenfield was restored and before the scene where Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Brock, Charizard and Molly come out from the mansion after Greenfield's restoration (the 4Kids staff stated that they did this because western audiences tend to leave the theaters without watching the closing credits. Therefore the producers were worried that if the audience did leave before watching the credits, then they would assume the film ended with Molly still being left as an orphan).
  • In the original, Spencer Hale's wife left him due to his obsession with discovering the secrets of the Unown. However, in the dub, her absence was explained as her having gone missing while studying the Unown.
  • In the English dub, Meowth breaks the fourth wall twice during the movie. First he does so when Team Rocket is sneaking past Misty and Molly battling against each other, by asking if they'd have a bigger role in the next movie, and again when they save Ash from falling, by saying that without him they would be out of show business.

In other languages

External links

Pokémon movies
Original series
Mewtwo Strikes BackThe Power of OneSpell of the Unown: EnteiCelebi: The Voice of the ForestPokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias
Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire
Jirachi: Wish MakerDestiny DeoxysLucario and the Mystery of MewPokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
The Rise of DarkraiGiratina and the Sky WarriorArceus and the Jewel of LifeZoroark: Master of Illusions
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and ReshiramKyurem VS. The Sword of JusticeGenesect and the Legend Awakened
Pokémon the Series: XY
Diancie and the Cocoon of DestructionHoopa and the Clash of AgesVolcanion and the Mechanical Marvel
Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon
I Choose You!The Power of UsMewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Secrets of the Jungle

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