In-game trade

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Reason: Genders and Original Trainers for Generation II (or confirmation that they are random); IVs for Pokémon who have defined IVs

An in-game trade is a trade made with a non-player character within the course of a main series Pokémon game. They are usually for Pokémon that are difficult or impossible to obtain through other means, or for Pokémon unavailable at that point of the game. In later games, the traded Pokémon often has special moves, like Egg moves.

The Trainer conducting the in-game trade will—in every case but one—specify a Pokémon they want to trade for. The Pokémon the player receives in the trade will have fixed OT and ID numbers; in later games the held items, natures, and IVs are fixed as well. Each Pokémon, likewise, has a nickname.

Like Pokémon traded externally, the traded Pokémon will be treated as an "outsider", and gain a boosted amount of experience points in battle. Until Generation V, all Pokémon have the same level as the Pokémon it was traded for (except in Pokémon XD).

Generation I

All Trainer ID numbers and IVs are random in Generation I.

If any of these Pokémon are viewed in Pokémon Stadium 2 (but not Pokémon Stadium), the OT will be "Trainer" instead, in title case rather than ALLCAPS. If any of these Pokémon are traded to a compatible game in another language (any European language game), the OT will be translated.

Red and Blue / Red and Green

Red and Green (Japan) / Red and Blue (international)
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Route 2 Abra Abra Mr. Mime Mr. Mime MARCEL バリバリ TRAINER トレーナー
Route 5 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ SPOT チャッピー TRAINER トレーナー
Route 11 Nidorino Nidorino Nidorina Nidorina TERRY テリー TRAINER トレーナー
Route 18 Slowbro Slowbro Lickitung Lickitung MARC なめぞう TRAINER トレーナー
Cerulean City Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Jynx Jynx LOLA まさこ TRAINER トレーナー
Vermilion City Spearow Spearow Farfetch'd Farfetch'd DUX おしょう TRAINER トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Raichu Raichu Electrode Electrode DORIS おマル TRAINER トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Venonat Venonat Tangela Tangela CRINKLES リンダ TRAINER トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Ponyta Ponyta Seel Seel SAILOR パウーン TRAINER トレーナー

Blue (Japan)

Blue (Japan)
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon Nickname OT
Route 2 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Mr. Mime Mr. Mime まさる トレーナー
Route 5 Rattata Rattata Poliwag Poliwag ロモたん トレーナー
Route 11 Rhydon Rhydon Kangaskhan Kangaskhan ロダン トレーナー
Route 18 Persian Persian Tauros Tauros ぎゅうた トレーナー
Cerulean City Machoke Machoke Haunter Haunter ゴーすけ トレーナー
Vermilion City Pidgey Pidgey Farfetch'd Farfetch'd アッカ トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Kadabra Kadabra Graveler Graveler さぶろう トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Seel Seel Slowpoke Slowpoke オスカル トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Growlithe Growlithe Krabby Krabby どうらく トレーナー


Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Route 2 Clefairy Clefairy Mr. Mime Mr. Mime MILES マイム TRAINER トレーナー
Route 5 Cubone Cubone Machoke Machoke* RICKY リッキー TRAINER トレーナー
Route 11 Lickitung Lickitung Dugtrio Dugtrio GURIO ぐりお TRAINER トレーナー
Route 18 Tangela Tangela Parasect Parasect SPIKE つんつん TRAINER トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Golduck Golduck Rhydon Rhydon BUFFY ごんすけ TRAINER トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Growlithe Growlithe Dewgong Dewgong CEZANNE セザンヌ TRAINER トレーナー
Cinnabar Island Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Muk Muk STICKY ベタぼう TRAINER トレーナー

Generation II

Gold and Silver

Gold and Silver
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item English
Violet City Bellsprout Bellsprout Onix Onix ROCKY ブルブル Bitter Berry KYLE コソト 48926
Goldenrod City Drowzee Drowzee Machop Machop MUSCLE きんにく Gold Berry MIKE 37460
Olivine City Krabby Krabby Voltorb Voltorb VOLTY ビリー PRZCureBerry TIM 29189
Blackthorn City Dragonair Dragonair Rhydon Rhydon DON ドンドコ Bitter Berry EMY 00283
Route 14 Chansey Chansey Aerodactyl Aerodactyl AEROY プッチー Gold Berry KIM 26491
Pewter City Gloom Gloom Rapidash Rapidash RUNNY カケアシ Burnt Berry CHRIS 15616


Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item English
Violet City Bellsprout Bellsprout Onix Onix ROCKY ブルブル Bitter Berry KYLE コソト 48926 8/9/6/6/6
Goldenrod City Abra Abra Machop Machop MUSCLE きんにく Gold Berry MIKE 37460 4/3/7/6/6
Olivine City Krabby Krabby Voltorb Voltorb VOLTY ビリー PRZCureBerry TIM 29189 8/9/8/8/8
Blackthorn City Dragonair Dragonair Dodrio Dodrio DORIS ドリス Smoke Ball EMY 00283 12/7/7/6/6
Route 14 Chansey Chansey Aerodactyl Aerodactyl AEROY プッチー Gold Berry KIM 26491 8/9/6/6/6
Pewter City Haunter Haunter Xatu Xatu PAUL ポール MysteryBerry CHRIS 15616 8/9/6/8/6
Power Plant Dugtrio Dugtrio Magneton Magneton MAGGIE てつまる Metal Coat FOREST 50082 8/9/6/6/6

Generation III

Ruby and Sapphire

Ruby and Sapphire
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item Nature English
ID IVs Contest stat
Rustboro City Slakoth Slakoth Makuhita Makuhita MAKIT ポテマル X Attack X Attack Hardy ELYSSA モーリン 49562 Tough
Fortree City Pikachu Pikachu Skitty Skitty SKITIT ベル Glitter Mail Glitter Mail Timid DARRELL ユキポン 02259 Cute
Pacifidlog Town Bellossom Bellossom Corsola Corsola COROSO モモちゃん Tropic Mail Tropic Mail Calm LANE サトチン 50183 Beauty

FireRed and LeafGreen

FireRed and LeafGreen
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item Nature English
Route 2 Abra Abra Mr. Mime Mr. Mime MIMIEN バリヤン None Timid REYLEY ひとまろ 01985 20/15/17/24/23/22
Route 5 Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ MS. NIDO ニドちゃん TinyMushroom TinyMushroom Bold SAIGE めぐっぺ 63184 26/10/15/12/11/12
Route 5 Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ MR. NIDO ニドくん TinyMushroom TinyMushroom Lonely SAIGE めぐっぺ 63184 19/25/18/22/22/15
Route 11 Nidorino Nidorino Nidorina Nidorina NINA ニーナ None Lonely TURNER とーたん 13637 22/25/18/19/22/15
Route 11 Nidorina Nidorina Nidorino Nidorino NINO ニーノ None Bold TURNER とーたん 13637 19/18/25/22/15/22
Route 18 Golduck Golduck Lickitung Lickitung MARC なめぞう None Relaxed HADEN みちはる 01239 24/19/21/15/23/21
Route 18 Slowbro Slowbro Lickitung Lickitung MARC なめぞう None Relaxed HADEN みちはる 01239 24/19/21/15/23/21
Cerulean City Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Jynx Jynx ZYNX コリンダ Fab Mail Fab Mail Mild DONTAE もりべー 36728 18/17/18/22/25/21
Vermilion City Spearow Spearow Farfetch'd Farfetch'd CH'DING じんすけ Stick Stick Adamant ELYSSA みどりん 08810 20/25/21/24/15/20
Cinnabar Island Raichu Raichu Electrode Electrode ESPHERE デンマル None Hasty CLIFTON タナーカ 50298 19/16/18/25/25/19
Cinnabar Island Venonat Venonat Tangela Tangela TANGENY じゃじゃお Stardust Stardust Sassy NORMA なっつん 60042 22/17/25/16/23/20
Cinnabar Island Ponyta Ponyta Seel Seel SEELOR ぱたろー None Bold GARETT よしもつ 09853 24/15/22/16/23/22


Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item Nature English
ID IVs Contest stat
Rustboro City Ralts Ralts Seedot Seedot DOTS セブン Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Relaxed KOBE マッチャン 38726 5/4/5/4/4/4 Cool
Fortree City Volbeat Volbeat Plusle Plusle PLUSES プラプラ Wood Mail Wood Mail Hasty ROMAN アッキー 08460 4/4/4/5/5/4 Cute
Pacifidlog Town Bagon Bagon Horsea Horsea SEASOR ゴロー Wave Mail Wave Mail Brave SKYLAR ソガチン 46285 5/4/4/4/5/4 Tough
Battle Frontier Skitty Skitty Meowth Meowth MEOWOW チー Retro Mail Retro Mail Naive ISIS マリッペ 25945 4/5/4/5/4/4 Smart

Pokémon XD

Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Level Item Nature English
Outskirt Stand Togepi Purified Togepi Elekid Elekid ZAPRONG* コンセント 20 None Random HORDEL ダニー 41400
Outskirt Stand Togetic Purified Togetic Elekid Elekid ZAPRONG* コンセント 20 None Random HORDEL ダニー 41400
Pyrite Town Trapinch Trapinch Meditite Meditite / MEDITITE* アサナン 20 None Random DUKING ギンザル 37149
Pyrite Town Surskit Surskit Shuckle Shuckle / SHUCKLE* ツボツボ 20 None Random DUKING ギンザル 37149
Pyrite Town Wooper Wooper Larvitar Larvitar / LARVITAR* ヨーギラス 20 None Random DUKING ギンザル 37149

Generation IV

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item Ability Nature English
Oreburgh City Machop Machop Abra Abra Kazza ケーケー Oran Berry Oran Berry Synchronize Quiet Hilary ハッシー 25643
Eterna City Buizel Buizel Chatot Chatot Charap ペッチャラ Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Tangled Feet Lonely Norton ノブリン 44142
Snowpoint City Medicham Medicham Haunter Haunter Gaspar ドロりん Everstone Everstone Levitate Hasty Mindy ミナッチ 19248
Route 226 Finneon Finneon Magikarp Magikarp Foppa* ポッちゃん Lum Berry Lum Berry Swift Swim Mild Meister マイスター 53277

HeartGold and SoulSilver

HeartGold and SoulSilver
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item Ability Nature English
Violet City Bellsprout Bellsprout Onix Onix Rocky ブルブル Persim Berry Persim Berry Sturdy Hasty Rudy コンタ 48926 25/20/25/15/15/15
Goldenrod City Drowzee Drowzee Machop Machop Muscle きんにく Macho Brace Macho Brace Guts Lonely Jose ナオキ 37460 15/25/20/15/15/20
Olivine City Krabby Krabby Voltorb Voltorb Billy ビリー Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Static Hardy Richard ジン 29189 15/20/15/25/15/25
Blackthorn City Dragonair Dragonair Dodrio Dodrio Doris ドンドコ Smoke Ball Smoke Ball Run Away Impish Ayana ミサコ 00283 20/20/20/15/15/15
Power Plant Dugtrio Dugtrio Magneton Magneton Maggie さてつ Metal Coat Metal Coat Magnet Pull Impish Lorenzo モリオ 50082 15/20/15/20/20/20
Pewter City Haunter Haunter Xatu Xatu Paul チーフ Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Synchronize Modest Mondo モンド 15616 15/20/15/20/20/20
Saffron City Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Pikachu Volty* VOLTY* Yellow Shard Yellow Shard Static Jolly Surge マチス 33038 20/25/18/25/13/31
Silph Co. Forretress Forretress Beldum Beldum Iron こうてつ Dawn Stone Dawn Stone Clear Body Brave Steven ダイゴ 23478 28/29/24/24/25/23
Diglett's Cave Bonsly Bonsly Rhyhorn Rhyhorn Hornlette* つのこ Passho Berry Passho Berry Lightningrod Relaxed Brock タケシ 06845 22/31/13/22/9/0
Olivine City 000MS.png Any Pokémon Steelix Steelix Rusty ネール Soothe Bell Soothe Bell Rock Head Brave Jasmine ミカン 26491 8/30/28/18/20/6

Generation V

Black and White

Black and White
Location Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English
Item Ability Nature Level English
Nacrene City Cottonee Cottonee Petilil Petilil Lillil チュりん Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Chlorophyll Modest 15 Dye アヤ 39922 20/20/20/31/20/20
Nacrene City Petilil Petilil Cottonee Cottonee Fluffee モンモン Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Prankster Modest 15 Dye アヤ 39922 20/20/20/31/20/20
Driftveil City Minccino Minccino Basculin Basculin Redeye アカメ Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Reckless Adamant 25 Kyle ナオキ 27646 20/31/20/20/20/20
Driftveil City Minccino Minccino Basculin Basculin Blueeye アオメ Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Rock Head Adamant 25 Kyle ナオキ 27646 20/31/20/20/20/20
Route 7 Boldore Boldore Emolga Emolga Minipete トビマル Lum Berry Lum Berry Static Lax 30 Manny ゲンゾウ 11195 20/20/31/20/20/20
Route 15 Ditto Ditto Rotom Rotom Eeks ドッキー Max Elixir Max Elixir Levitate Gentle 60 Lillian ユイ 54673 20/20/20/20/31/20
Undella Town* Cinccino Cinccino Munchlax Munchlax Gorge まんぷく Leftovers Leftovers Thick Fat Serious 60 Ander フトシ 40217 31/20/20/20/20/20

Unused trades

In Generation I, there are two unique trades which were implemented into Red and Blue and Pokémon Yellow but were never assigned to any NPC in game. From the player's perspective, these are a Butterfree for Beedrill trade and a Pidgeot for Pidgeot trade respectively. The nickname of the traded Beedrill, originally known as "チクチク" in Red and Green was converted to "CHIKUCHIKU" in Red and Blue. For unknown reasons, the data for this trade remained in Pokémon Yellow, though the nickname of the Beedrill was changed to "STINGER". Pokémon Yellow introduced the unused Pidgeot for Pidgeot trade. The nickname of the received Pidgeot is "MARTY". The significance of these trades are unknown.[1][2][3]

Trade data

All Trainer ID numbers and IVs are random in Generation I.

Red and Green (Japan) / Red and Blue (international)
Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English nickname Japanese nickname English OT Japanese OT
Butterfree Butterfree Beedrill Beedrill CHIKUCHIKU チクチク TRAINER トレーナー

Player's Pokémon Traded Pokémon English nickname Japanese nickname English OT Japanese OT
Butterfree Butterfree Beedrill Beedrill STINGER チクチク TRAINER トレーナー
Pidgeot Pidgeot Pidgeot Pidgeot MARTY まつみや TRAINER トレーナー
Mew Mew Mew Mew BART まつみや TRAINER トレーナー



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