Wishmaker (item)

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The wishmaker is an item purchased by May in the movie Jirachi: Wish Maker.

File:May's wishmaker.png
May's wishmaker


The wishmaker was an object similar to a dream catcher. It had seven points on the circle that pointed outward. The points has stars on it that were one star on the first point, and so on until seven stars on the seventh point. The person was to make a wish, then fold down the first point on the first day of the millennium comet and so on. They were to make the same wish for every time they folded down a piece, and one the points were all folded, the wish would come true.


  • Aside from being the only known character to own a wishmaker, May is also the only main character to own such an object.
  • A similar use of commercialism was used on the Lunar Wing in The Rise of Darkrai, where Dawn purchased one, making her the second main character to believe in an item's power.