User:Ztash/List of Diamond & Pearl series episodes in Danish

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Sinnoh League arc

Code Screenshot Danish title English title DK broadcast Notes
DP001 DP001.png Afsted på jomfrurejse!
Setting off on a maiden's voyage
Following A Maiden's Voyage!
DP002 DP002.png To grader af adskillelse!
Two degrees of separation!
Two Degrees of Separation!
DP003 DP003.png Når Pokémon-verdner støder sammen!
When Pokémon worlds collide!
When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
DP004 DP004.png En ny æra begynder!
A new era begins!
Dawn Of A New Era!
DP005 DP005.png Goddag til Turtwig!
Hellow to Turtwig!
Gettin' Twiggy With It!
DP006 DP006.png Hver mand sin kempstil!
Every man their own fighting style
Different Strokes for Different Blokes!
DP007 DP007.png Et pip fra Piplup!
A tweet frim Piplup!
Like It or Lup It!
DP008 DP008.png Salløgne!
Gym lies!
DP009 DP009.png Verden ifølge Buneary!
The world according to Buneary!
Setting the World on its Buneary!
DP010 DP010.png Jeg finder mike ikke i noget!
I won't put up with anything!
Not on MY Watch Ya Don't!
DP011 DP011.png I gang som koordinator!
Started as a coordinator!
Mounting a Coordinator Assault!
DP012 DP012.png En rivals ankomst!
The arrival of a rival!
Arrival of a Rival!
DP013 DP013.png En Staravia fødes!
A Staravia is born!
A Staravia Is Born!
DP014 DP014.png Lad Brocko klare det!
Let Brocko take care of it!
Leave It To Brocko!
DP015 DP015.png Sådan toner fremtiden sig!
This is how the future is shaping up!
Shapes of Things to Come!
DP016 DP016.png En optræden, der vil blive husket!
A performance to be remembered!
A Gruff Act to Follow!
DP017 DP017.png Besøg fra fortiden!
A visit from the past!
Wild in the Streets!
DP018 AG018.png I kamp mod Rampardos!
Battling Rampardos!
O'er the Rampardos We Watched!
DP019 DP019.png Brændt barn skyr ild!
A burnt child shuns fire!
Twice Smitten, Once Shy! The title is the Danish equivalent of once smitten, twice shy
DP020 DP020.png Mytteri i lasten!
Mutiny in the load!
Mutiny in the Bounty!
DP021 DP021.png Nu er det tid til evolution!
It's time for evolution!
Ya See We Want An Evolution!
DP022 DP022.png At låne i ond tro!
Borrowing on bad faith!
Borrowing on Bad Faith!
DP023 DP023.png Mødet med Steelix' jernvilje!
The encounter with Steelix' iron will!
Faced With Steelix Determination!
DP024 DP024.png Vi bager på en sød historie!
We're baking a sweet story!
Cooking up a Sweet Story!
DP025 DP025.png Kan du bage poffins?
Do you know hof to bake poffins?
Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan!
DP026 DP026.png Sommerfugle i maven!
Butterflies in the stomach!
Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!
DP027 DP027.png Det er regnskabets time!
It's time to settle the score!
Settling a Not-So-Old Score!
DP028 DP028.png Drifloon i vinden!
Drifloon on the wind!
Drifloon on the Wind!
DP029 DP029.png Mestertvillingern!
The champion twins!
The Champ Twins!
DP030 DP030.png En sødmefuld fortryllelse!
An enchantment full of sweetness!!
Some Enchanted Sweetening!
DP031 DP031.png Græstypen er altid grønnere!
The Grass-Type is always greener!
The Grass-Type Is Always Greener!
DP032 DP032.png Combee ser rødt!
Combee sees red!
An Angry Combeenation!
DP033 DP033.png I fuld udklædning og med håret tilbage!
Fully dressed up and with the hair combed back!
All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go!
DP034 DP034.png Buizel, din bulldozer!
Buizel, you bulldozer!
Buizel Your Way Out Of This!
DP035 DP035.png Mødet med en af de bedste!
A meeting with one of the best!
An Elite Meet And Greet!
DP036 DP036.png En hemmelig sfære af indflydelse!
A secret sphere of influence!
A Secret Sphere of Influence!
DP037 DP037.png Græsmenageriet!
The grass menagerie!
The Grass Menagerie!
DP038 DP038.png En Happiny i familien!
A Happiny in the family
One Big Happiny Family!
DP039 DP039.png Pokémon på krydstogt!
Pokémon on a cruise!
Steamboat Willies!
DP040 DP040.png Topstyret træning!
Training run from the top
Top-Down Training!
DP041 DP041.png Rejs jer op, og sid ned!
Stand up and sit down!
A Stand-Up Sit-Down!
DP042 DP042.png En elektrificerende Electrike!
An electrifying Electrike!
The Electrike Company!
DP043 DP043.png Mareridt i Eventyrland!
A nightmare in Wonderland
Malice In Wonderland!
DP044 DP044.png Hip, hip, Hippopotas!
Hip, hip, Hippopotas!
Mass Hip-Po-Sis!
DP045 DP045.png En ondsindet jæger!
A malicious hunter!
Ill-Will Hunting!
DP046 DP046.png Gigantisk, labyrintisk!
Gigantic, labyrintic !
A Maze-ing Race!
DP047 DP047.png Sandshrow skal findes!
Sandshrew must be found!
Sandshrew's Locker!
DP048 DP048.png No Danish title No English title Unaired
DP049 DP049.png Dawns tidlige exit!
Dawn's early exit!
Dawn's Early Night!
DP050 DP050.png Tag! Vi er den...!
Tag! We're it...!
Tag! We're It...!
DP051 DP051.png Flammende storhed!
Blazing greatness!
Glory Blaze!
DP052 DP052.png Det lugter af holdånd!
It smells like team spirit!
Smells Like Team Spirit!
DP053 DP053.png Tårer og frygt!
Tears and fear!
Tears For Fears!
DP054 DP054.png Engang var der en eng
Once there used to be a meadow
Once There Were Greenfields
DP055 DP055.png Så er der sporskifte
Time for a track switch
Throwing the Track Switch
DP056 DP056.png Slutstenen revner!
The keystone cracks!
The Keystone Pops!
DP057 DP057.png Bibarel bider fra sig!
Bibarel bites back!
Bibarel Gnaws Best!
DP058 DP058.png '
Nosing 'Round the Mountain!
DP059 DP059.png Luxray kommer i stødet!
Luxray gets charged!
Luxray Vision!
DP060 DP060.png Rejsen til det ukendte!
The journey to the unknown!
Journey to the Unown!
DP061 DP061.png Holdgyser!
Team horror!
Team Shocker!
DP062 DP062.png Ikke græde over spildt mælk!
Don't cry about spilt milk!
Tanks for the Memories!
DP063 DP063.png En kilde til lækage!
A source of leakage!
Hot Springing a Leak! The Danish words for source and spring are both kilde
DP064 DP064.png Forandringens vinde!
The winds of change!
Riding the Winds of Change!
DP065 DP065.png Sandkorn i maskineriet!
Grains of snad in the machinery!
Sleight of Sand!
DP066 DP066.png Lederstrategi på lavpunkt!
Leader strategy at a low!
Lost Leader Strategy!
DP067 DP067.png Overskridelse af kampgrænsen!
Crossing of the battle line!
Crossing the Battle Line!
DP068 DP068.png En tredobbelt udfordring!
A triple challenge!
A Triple Fighting Chance!
DP069 DP069.png Kom ind, Galactic!
Come in, Galactic!
Enter Galactic!
DP070 DP070.png Klokkerne synger!
The balls are singing!
The Bells Are Singing!
DP071 DP071.png Pokémon Ranger og den bortførte Riolu! (Del et)
Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1)
DP072 DP072.png Pokémon Ranger og den bortførte Riolu! (Del to)
Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 2)
DP073 DP073.png Korsveje
Crossing Paths
DP074 DP074.png Pika og Goliat!
Pika and Goliath!
Pika and Goliath!
DP075 DP075.png En Cup fuld af Wallace!
A Cup full of Wallace!
Our Cup Runneth Over!
DP076 DP076.png En fuld omgang tag-kamp!
A full course tag battle!
A Full Course Tag Battle!
DP077 DP077.png En fyrstelig velkomst!
A royal welcome!
Staging A Heroes' Welcome!
DP078 DP078.png At vinde over gamle venner!
Winning over old friends!
Pruning a Passel of Pals!!
DP079 DP079.png Et comeback med stil!
A comeback with style!
Strategy With a Smile!
DP080 DP080.png Én gang tyv, altid tyv!
Once a thief, always a thief!
'The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!
DP081 DP081.png Chimchar i brand!
Chimchar on fire!
Chim - Charred!
DP082 DP082.png Den ypperste Croagunk af dem alle!
The greatest Croagunk of them all!
Cream of the Croagunk Crop!
DP083 DP083.png Et lynkursus i styrke!
A crash course in strength!
A Crasher Course in Power!
DP084 DP084.png En god og sund appetit!
A healthy appetite!
Hungry For the Good Life!
DP085 DP085.png Med frygt skal frygt bekæmpes!
Fear must be fought with fear!
Fighting Fear with Fear!!
DP086 DP086.png At ankomme med stil!
Arriving in style!
Arriving in Style!
DP087 DP087.png Psyduck spærrer vejen
Psyduck block the road!
The Psyduck Stops Here!
DP088 DP088.png Tilbage på skolebænken!
Back to school!
Camping It Up!
DP089 DP089.png Fortryllende nærkontakt!
Enchanting close encounter!
Up Close and Personable!
DP090 DP090.png På tærsklen til åndeverdenen!
On the threshold to the spirit world!
Ghoul Daze!
DP091 DP091.png Hvem var det der vandt i dag...?
Who won today...?
One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team! The title is a part of a Danish soccer chant
DP092 DP092.png Den slanke og fine Team Rocket-maskine
The slender and pretty Team Rocket machine!
A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!
DP093 DP093.png Jævnet med jorden!
Leveled to the ground!
Playing The Leveling Field!
DP094 DP094.png Doktor Brock!
Doctor Brock!
Doc Brock!
DP095 DP095.png Kamp med generationskløften!
Battle with the generation gap!
Battling The Generation Gap!
DP096 DP096.png Tabet af Lustrous Orb!
The loss of Lustrous Orb!
Losing Its Lustrous!
DP097 DP097.png Dobbelt teamangreb!
Double team attack!
Double Team Turnover!
DP098 DP098.png Hvis tørklædet passer, brug det!
If the scarf fits, use it!
If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!
DP099 DP099.png En træner og hans Pokémon genforenes!
A trainer and this Pokémon reunite!
A Trainer and Child Reunion!
DP100 DP100.png En hånd til fjenden!
Giving a hand to the enemy!
Aiding the Enemy!
DP101 DP101.png Barry stormer frem over alt!
Berry's bursting out all over!
Barry's Busting Out All Over!
DP102 DP102.png Fantinas skjold!
Fantina's shield!
Shield with a Twist!
DP103 DP103.png Team Rocket-afhopper!
Team Rocket defector!
Jumping Rocket Ship!
DP104 DP104.png Søvnløs i Canalave City!
Sleepless ind Canalave City!
Sleepless In Pre-Battle!
DP105 DP105.png '
Get Your Rotom Running!
DP106 DP106.png '
A Breed Stampede!
DP107 DP107.png '
Ancient Family Matters!
DP108 DP108.png '
Dealing with Defensive Types!
DP109 DP109.png '
Leading a Stray!
DP110 DP110.png '
Steeling Peace of Mind!
DP111 DP111.png '
Saving the World from Ruins!
DP112 DP112.png '
Cheers on Castaways Isle!
DP113 DP113.png '
Hold the Phione!
DP114 DP114.png '
Another One Gabites the Dust!
DP115 DP115.png '
Stealing the Conversation!
DP116 DP116.png '
The Drifting Snorunt!
DP117 DP117.png '
Noodles! Roamin' Off!
DP118 DP118.png '
Pursuing a Lofty Goal!
DP119 DP119.png '
Trials and Adulations!
DP120 DP120.png No Danish title No English title Unaired
DP121 DP121.png '
The Lonely Snover!
DP122 DP122.png '
Stopped in the Name of Love!
DP123 DP123.png '
Old Rivals, New Tricks!
DP124 DP124.png '
To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!
DP125 DP125.png '
Battling a Cute Drama!
DP126 DP126.png '
Classroom Training!
DP127 DP127.png '
Sliding Into Seventh!
DP128 DP128.png '
A Pyramiding Rage!
DP129 DP129.png '
Pillars of Friendship!
DP130 DP130.png '
Frozen on Their Tracks!
DP131 DP131.png '
Pedal to the Mettle!
DP132 DP132.png '
Evolving Strategies!
DP133 DP133.png '
Uncrushing Defeat!
DP134 DP134.png '
Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!
DP135 DP135.png '
Beating the Bustle and Hustle!
DP136 DP136.png '
Gateway to Ruin!
DP137 DP137.png '
Three Sides to Every Story!
DP138 DP138.png '
Strategy Begins at Home!
DP139 DP139.png '
A Faux Oak Finish!
DP140 DP140.png '
Historical Mystery Tour!
DP141 DP141.png '
Challenging a Towering Figure!
DP142 DP142.png '
Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!
DP143 DP143.png '
An Egg Scramble!
DP144 DP144.png '
Gone With the Windworks!
DP145 DP145.png '
A Rivalry to Gible On!
DP146 DP146.png '
Dressed for Jess Success!
DP147 DP147.png '
Bagged Then Tagged!
DP148 DP148.png '
Try for the Family Stone!
DP149 DP149.png '
Sticking With Who You Know!
DP150 DP150.png '
Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!
DP151 DP151.png '
The Needs of the Three!
DP152 DP152.png '
The Battle Finale of Legend!
DP153 DP153.png '
The Treasure Is All Mine!
DP154 DP154.png '
Mastering Current Events!
DP155 DP155.png '
Double-Time Battle Training!
DP156 DP156.png '
A Meteoric Rise to Excellence!
DP157 DP157.png '
Gotta Get a Gible!
DP158 DP158.png '
Regaining the Home Advantage!
DP159 DP159.png '
Short and To the Punch!
DP160 DP160.png '
A Marathon Rivalry!
DP161 DP161.png '
Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn!
DP162 DP162.png '
Playing the Performance Encore!
DP163 DP163.png '
Fighting Ire with Fire!
DP164 DP164.png '
Piplup, Up and Away!
DP165 DP165.png '
Flint Sparks the Fire!
DP166 DP166.png '
The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!
DP167 DP167.png '
Teaching the Student Teacher!
DP168 DP168.png '
Keeping In Top Forme!
DP169 DP169.png '
Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!
DP170 DP170.png '
An Elite Coverup!
DP171 DP171.png '
Dawn of a Royal Day!
DP172 DP172.png '
With the Easiest of Grace!
DP173 DP173.png '
Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama!
DP174 DP174.png '
Last Call — First Round!
DP175 DP175.png '
Opposites Interact!
DP176 DP176.png '
Coming Full Festival Circle!
DP177 DP177.png '
A Grand Fight for Winning!
DP178 DP178.png '
For The Love Of Meowth!
DP179 DP179.png '
The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!
DP180 DP180.png '
Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port!
DP181 DP181.png '
Bucking the Treasure Trend!
DP182 DP182.png '
An Old Family Blend!
DP183 DP183.png '
League Unleashed!
DP184 DP184.png '
Casting a Paul on Barry!
DP185 DP185.png '
Working on a Right Move!
DP186 DP186.png '
Familiarity Breeds Strategy!
DP187 DP187.png '
A Real Rival Rouser!
DP188 DP188.png '
Battling a Thaw in Relations!
DP189 DP189.png '
The Semi-Final Frontier!
DP190 DP190.png '
The Brockster Is In!
DP191 DP191.png '
Memories are Made of Bliss!