List of chapters in the FireRed & LeafGreen arc of Pokémon Adventures

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Revision as of 20:57, 1 July 2014 by Tyler53841 (talk | contribs) (Will have to keep it like this until the VIZ translations are complete to avoid messing up this template)
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Ruby & Sapphire chapter
Rounds in Pokémon Adventures
Emerald chapter

The fifth chapter: FireRed & LeafGreen arc

There are no titles given to rounds in this chapter. As Chuang Yi did not translate the subtitles, there are no English subtitles.

Japanese subtitle Translation Volume
268 脱出!! Escape!! Volume 22
Land, Sea And Sky
269 姿なき攻撃者 Shapeless Attacker
270 飲み込む闇 The Swallowing Darkness Volume 23
271 シルフスコープの中に Within the Silph Scope
272 2の島のキワメ婆 Old Kiwame of Two Island
273 戦ノ道 The Battle Path
274 発動 究極技 Activate: The Ultimate Move
275 動き始める首領 The Boss Gets Off
276 伝承 草と炎 Legend - Grass and Fire
277 三獣士登場 Enter the Three Beasts
278 全島攻撃 Attacking the Entire Island
279 降り立つデオキシス Deoxys Gets Down
280 敗れし者レッド A Broken Red Volume 24
281 フォルムチェンジの秘密 The Secret of Forme Change
282 所有者の資格 Holders' Requirements
283 戦う訳 Reason to Fight
284 ミュウツー参戦 Mewtwo Participates in the Battle
285 意志を持つタワー Tower with Will
286 襲い来る分身群 Attack of the Clone Herd
287 故郷トキワシティ Hometown Tokiwa City
288 拘束具を破れ Breaking the Restraint Volume 25
289 心の奥のトキワ Tokiwa in the Heart
290 宙空の決戦場 Aerial Battleground
291 頂上対決 Summit Confrontation
292 父の名はサカキ Father's Name is Sakaki
293 まやかしのオーロラ The Fake Aurora
294 幻は最果てに The Mirage is at Faraway
295 ラストショット Last Shot
296 デオキシス そのルーツ Deoxys's Roots
297 反乱のチャクラ Rebellious Chakra
298 脱出のブラックホール Black Hole Escape
299 本能の呼びかけ Call of Instinct Volume 26
300 父の魂 Father's Spirit
301 戦う者 レッド Red the Fighter
302 所有者たちの絆 Holders' Bond

Ruby & Sapphire chapter
rounds in Pokémon Adventures
Emerald chapter